7 Attractive Interior Design Ideas For Living Room

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By Dimple Kumar on 12 Oct 2020 |
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7 Attractive Interior Design Ideas For Living Room

Our house is reflection of our living standard, it defines what type of person we are. Definitely your house depicts a lot more than you think. That is why we design and take care of our house so much. We get it painted, renovated and if required sometimes call experts to understand other problems related to house. A person invests half of his earning first by buying the house and secondly in maintaining the house. All of us wish that our house must look attractive from outside as well as inside. Outside beauty comes with right maintenance and care while for interior you need to be creative and unique.

Interior design styles start with living room and it is the first impression of your house, therefore it has to be really beautiful and attractive. Use antique and attractive designs and idols to decorate your living room. In this article you will come across some attractive interior design ideas for living room which are also affordable. Some people are really very excited to design and decorate their living room interior but they are out of ideas and the right plan. It is not very necessary that you put expensive decorative things in living room rather keep it simple and elegant.

In overcrowded and stuffed living room it doesn’t feel so comfortable and in extra empty room also it feels haunted. Therefore keep it like a living room not like disco or club. Here we will discuss with you some attractive decor ideas for living room and how it can bring change to your life. Yes, sometimes by making little difference our life changes a lot and flow of positive energy takes our stress and anxiety away. Interior of our house really brings a lot of difference in the behavior of family members living in the house.

Here Are Some Amazing Interior Design Ideas For Living Room
Living room is the first thing anyone can come through when they enter house. Therefore it has to be beautiful and attractive. With few ideas it will be possible to have that desired living room for your house. Here are 7 attractive interior design ideas for living room mentioned below read it carefully;

1. Starting With The Walls
First thing is first, will start with designing the walls. Walls of living room should not be dull or light in color it should be little dark. If you are not a fan of vibrant colors then you can also go for beautiful wall papers. Dull colors in starting or in living room depicts a very low energy level among the family members therefore it is recommended to have at least little dark colors in the beginning. In individual rooms you can have colors of your own wish but for living room take time and decide the best. There are now wall papers, beautiful wall colors and even wooden work looks beautiful. According to your budget and liking choose the one best for you but will recommend if you going for paint choose a little darker shade.

2. Curtains
Now after walls there should be turn for curtains. Curtains must be in contrast or matching with the walls. Therefore before you buy curtain for living room always keep in mind what wall color you will choose. There are many types of curtains as well available in market but what will suit you that you need to decide. If you want to keep it little more like formal then you can use blinds, if you want to keep it classy then you must use simple and beautiful colors and if you want it casual and friendly then use comfy and soothing colors. Let’s talk about blinds, these are also available in different beautiful colors and designs. You can talk to shopkeeper for house visit so that he can show you the best suited for your need. If it has to be classy then prefer some deep colors contrasting your walls and giving it some traditional look. Last, if you want it comfy and soothing then go for friendly colors and keep it casual with light colors and few cushions on the sofas.

3. Flooring
Very important! We might ignore this thing but flooring does play a very important role in interior designing. The color and type of flooring gives a lot of difference to the appearance of the living room. Nowadays wooden flooring is too much in trend but you can also go for other Italian marble look or for other options depending upon the budget. Flooring should be such that it should also compliment your curtains and walls. People also use tiles these days you can give that a try by asking the experts or the shopkeeper. It is just to let you know that never ignore flooring while construction because later it will have a very strong impact on your living room. Well, for flooring choose the best which suit your pocket because tiles, marbles and wood all of these looks beautiful but only you can decide which one is best for you.

4. TV Unit
There should be another unit for your LED or television. Just hanging it on the wall is really very bore and old fashion. If you don’t want to have entire unit then you can also go for the option of wall paper. Choose a wall paper of your choice and get it on the wall where you will like to have your TV or LED. This really gives a major difference to your living room. Well, some also prefer not to have LED in their living room but if you want to have then definitely give this a try. It really looks cool and appealing.

5. Selected Plants
Yes you heard it right, plants in your living room. There are few plants which are especially designed for indoor decoration. They release oxygen and keeps the atmosphere of your house clean and little pollution free. Mini pot plants and little shrubs are the new decoration trend of the modern society. This not just helps in designing living room but also healthy for you.

6. Paintings
The idols or wall paintings which you have should also be taken into consideration. Do not have any fierce or irritated thing in your living room. Keep something that inspires or have positive looks. Even the chandelier comes under this, select the chandelier which is adequate as per your room size. Never over stuff your living room that is mentioned earlier also. Keep it classy but also keep little space at the same time. Be selective and choosy while buying items for your living room it really matters a lot. Rather than going for expensive stuff go for classy and simple thing.

7. Furniture
Last but not the least, this section rather cost half of the house budget. The living room furniture must be different from everything. The sofa, couch, table chair, cushions, ceiling lot of other things come under this. In this section also one needs to be very decisive. You need to understand the difference between the garden sofa and living room sofa. What cushions will go with the living room or with the other rooms. It really matters a lot and you have to pay attention in all this little details.

Now, as you know simple living room designs for your living room, I hope you will enjoy executing it. Designing interior of the house is the one of the favorite time pass for ladies. There are also many expensive courses for learning all this interior designing things but you can try reading articles also where you can easily get attractive interior designing tips and tricks. Interior designing is not just a course rather it is something you really want or admire. Everybody like nice living room but everyone doesn’t take pain or efforts to design it. There is difference in both the situation.

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Dimple Kumar


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