9 Best Astrology Tips For Business Success

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By Dimple Kumar on 26 Aug 2020 |
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9 Best Astrology Tips For Business Success

Dragging the size of achievement in business isn't a cup of tea. It takes a strong presence of mind, hard work and investment to taste the fruit of prosperity. But, sometimes we put endeavors in an inappropriate ways and that is the reason we end up with a zero in our hands. If you feel that notwithstanding your persevering work, you can't develop your business, at times, one reason could be some planetary obstacle that is impacting your growth in business success.

In such conditions, it is smartly thought to counsel a well-known astrologer for some effective and quick Astrological Tips that can give a cure, depending upon your natal chart. This is useful for the people who dream and who attempt to try to fulfill their desires. An astrologer isn't for people who need to sit and get everything for nothing. Destiny isn't absolutely pre-decided as one commonly gets a chance to make/re-form it in the event with some Astrology Tips and become a successful entrepreneurs. Now, due to COVID-19 almost small or medium size businesses are shut, so here in this article we will share with you some astrology tips for your business growth.

Astrological Tips For Booming Business

1. On the off chance that you are experiencing mahadasha or antar dasha of any negative planet position in your birth chart, then it will be extraordinary to go for this quick Astrology Tips for success, for example, grah Puja.

2. When in doubt that somebody is jealous of your achievement and has an evil eye on you, get a tooth of wild pig and put on the wall in full vicinity. Do this on the first Wednesday of the growing moon. This astrological remedy will take care of your growth and also your decisions from that point will be adept.

3. For accomplishing a progress in business, you should clean your business premises with Ganges water or Gomutra. After that, draw a Swastik with Saffron or Turmeric paste. Now place Chana Dal and Jaggery on it and light up a ghee lamp moreover. Do it on every Thursday.

4. Placed one Peepal leaf on Saturday at your business place. Worship it with an incense stick and keep it underneath where you sit. Do it for 7 Saturdays. After that, when seven leaves are collected, they all ought to be flown in a river or water in a religious spot.

5. For most profitable small businesses, you can bring an iron nail from a shop which is doing a fruitful business. Keep it in a glass bottle with 10-15 granules of Black Urad Dal. After that, Worship it with an incense stick and dhoop and keep it in a spot where customers can't see it.

6. On regular basis worship Maa Lakshmi and on each Friday night light nine Desi Ghee lamps in your place of business as well as at home.

7. On each Saturday make a mala of seven green chillies and lemon. After that, hang it on your business place in such a way, that clients could see it.

8. Put “dhuni of Rai” in your business place on a no-moon day, at that point there will remain almost certainly that your sales would increase at a quicker rate.

9. For new business opportunities and growth in business, make some Besan Ladoo’s, wave them around your head seven times and feed them to a cow on Thursday.

Try any of these above-given astrology tips and see how successful your business will begin to develop and profitability and benefit will star to get an expansion.

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Dimple Kumar


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