Classified Ads in Grotal
Dear Advertisers
1. We appreciate your interest in advertising on Grotal. Welcome to the world of Low Cost Advertising.

2. At Grotal we endeavour to provide most listings free. However, to be seen right on top (premium listing) there is a little charge.

3. You can list your Classified Ads for free in one state only.

4. If you wish to list your Classified Ads in more than one state there is a minimum charge of Rs 10 /- a day per state.

5. You may select "Free" or "Paid". You can shift from "Free" to "Paid" at any time.

6. Listing : Categories are listed from top to bottom according to the number of advertisements in any category ; categories having the maximum number of entries will be on the top and the rest in descending order.

7. Listing in a Category : In a category all listings are free and displayed at random.

8. Premium Listing : Paid advertisements are shaded blue and placed on top of all other listings. In the page specific to the category, Premium Listings are on top and shaded blue. The display is random.

Bidding : You may choose to be listed right on the top for every display by bidding for that slot.