Benefits of Learning Php Programming language

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By Dimple Kumar on 02 Jun 2017 |
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Benefits of Learning Php Programming language

After completing the graduation every one thinks about what we will do in future? It’s a very difficult point what we can choose in this competitive era. There are several ways, in front of you after completed the graduation and you can choose finest way of them. Which grows your career in the highest level of peak? Here we will discuss with you, one of the useful and excellent programming languages

What is PHP?
PHP is a general purpose scripting language and used for web development. It was created in the year of 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and appeared in the market in 1995. PHP language is simply mixed with HTML codes and used for numerous web frameworks.

Advantages of PHP

Simple to Learn
PHP is basically depends upon C and C++, so it has very understandable and easy syntax.

Secure your works
In the PHP has numerous layers of security that prevent threats and other malicious attacks.

No Cost
PHP is an open source language and components of the PHP language are free to use and distribute.

Major Features of PHP
• PHP supports numerous databases like as Oracle, Informix, Sybase, MySQL, Solid etc.
• It is free to download and use because PHP is open source software.
• It supports all general web servers such as Netscape, Microsoft, Apache, iPlanet, personal web server etc.

Learn PHP and Grow your Career

Offer lots of Freedom
Being an open source, PHP have no limit to any tools or editors. You can use it in a simple notepad in various editors like as netbeans and eclipse etc. You also can run on PHP in different operating systems such as UNIX, Linux, Windows etc.

More Beneficial and Speedy
PHP operates much faster than other scripting languages. With hosting PHP is also very simple because PHP supports large numbers of hosting servers.

Offer You Maximum Control
Everyone knows that PHP is controlled more over the websites compatible to other programing language. It can easily handle websites with lots of traffic. Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are widely visited websites use PHP as their framework

Finest Way to Complete Your Dream
At the present of time all people depends upon, online work, online shopping etc. So all the big shopping malls, branded store have their own sites. To make the website you know about programming languages. In this era various company doing work on online projects, like as Wipro, TATA, Infosys, IBM, etc. and companies are hiring many people who have knowledge of programing language. And they also pay you excellent package as per your needs.

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Dimple Kumar


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