Personality Traits Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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By Dimple Kumar on 22 Sep 2020 |
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Recent Blogs | Astrology | Personality Traits Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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Personality Traits Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We all are born with unique identities and personalities, but sometimes there are a few common ones. You must have noticed there are so many people out there, but we only are friend with either one or two because your personality traits are similar to those people. Why we are so close to someone and why sometimes we are so far from others this is all because of our personality differences. Personality traits based on your Zodiac sign plays a vital role in the selection of your friends or life partners.

These traits decide how best your chemistry will be with each other and also defines what type of bond you will share with the person besides you. Personality traits based on your zodiac sign says a lot of things about you. It is interesting us even more because this sometime tells us about the uniqueness of our behavior.

Personality Traits For Every Zodiac Sign

1. Aries
People born between 21 March on 19 April belongs to this zodiac sign. They love to be number one in all the fields. They love doing challenging tasks and put themselves first in any kind of circumstances. Aries are also very ambitious and very bold by their actions. They are very confident and passionate about things they do. The straightforward and direct approach is what they prefer while communicating. Mars is the ruling planet of this sign. As this is named after the Roman god of war, therefore they are ready for battles and wars. Aries people have a very explosive temper but sooner they lose it quickly they become normal too. These people live life to the fullest.

2. Taurus
Those who are born between April 20 to May 20 fall into this sign. This is an earthy sign with representation of the bull. Taureans are very soft and calm personality people they are governed by Venus. This is the same planet which governs beauty, love and money.

3. Gemini
Gemini people are born between May 21 to June 20. These people are said to be so involved in their work that they need their clone to complete their desire and thoughts. They are very enthusiastic about life and want to do so many things at single given time. It will not wrong to say that Gemini people need clone or replica of their form to complete their goal in this single given life.

4. Cancer
People who belong to this sign are born between June 21 – July 22. The Cancer zodiac sign is generally a representation of crab which can live on earth as well as in water. This clearly states people in this sun sign are equally stable emotionally and materially. Cancerians are very curious about things they are always intuitive to know new facts.

5. Leo
People in this sun sign born between July 23 – August 22. This is represented by a lion which clearly states these people stand out in a crowd like a king or queen. They are very cheerful and delighted about their royal status. Love to stay in spotlight everywhere and never like to be ignored. They celebrate their famous personality and celebrity treatment.

6. Virgo
These people are born between August 23 – September 22. Virgo is also an earthy sign earlier, it was represented by the goddess of agriculture. They are very practical about their approach and in their life. They are systematic in their management. They love learning and will to improve their skills with every diligent practice.

7. Libra
These are born between September 23 – October 22. This zodiac sign is represented by air. These type a personality person believe in harmony and balanced living. Librarians are always wanting stability or equilibrium in their life. They try to handle things equally whether it is their life, career or some other things. Libra is obsessed with balancing things symmetrically.

8. Scorpio
These sun sign people are born in between October 23 – November 21. Usually this zodiac sign has been misunderstood because this is the water sign instead of fire sign. People in this sun sign have incredible passion and power. They try to regain their strength from their emotional realm.

9. Sagittarius
They are born between November 22 – December 21. Their sign is represented by the archer. They strive for knowledge. This is the last fire zodiac sign. They are intelligent and keep questioning to get more knowledge.

10. Capricorn
They are born between December 22 – January 19. Now this is the last earth sign of the zodiac. Seas goat is the symbol of this zodiac sign. These zodiac signs people are skilled at handling emotional as well as material realms.

11. Aquarius
People born between January 20 – February 18 belongs to this zodiac sign. Through the name you must be thinking this is the aqua sign of the zodiac, but this is actually represented by air sign. This is the most humanitarian zodiac sign of all others. Aquarius people are very mystical healer too.

12. Pisces
Those who are born between February 19 – March 20 belongs to this zodiac sign. Again, this is also the water based zodiac sign. The representation of this is done by two fishes streaming in the opposite direction. This says these people very well understands the difference between fantasy and reality. As this is the last and final zodiac sign hence this sign absorbs all the lessons taught by above signs.

Some of us are serious, some are funny and humorous and some are agitated and always angry. These all are personality traits based on your zodiac sign. Zodiac signs and birth chart calculator are designed or define with respect to the time and month a person is born in. In some cases zodiac signs dates are also referred from the first letter of the name. So there are many ways to find out your right zodiac sign and then you can compare your personality traits easily.

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Dimple Kumar


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