I watch so many smiling faces around me. What keeps them smiling??? Do they just like to smile or they know how to value life?
Well, I may not have answers to these questions but I can definitely say that a happy person is someone whom everybody wants to be with! He has a different personality and he is different indeed.
After watching them smile, I realize that there is much to be happy about. At some point – Life gives you the best of EVERYTHING.
A smiling face doesn’t mean absence of problems but it’s just that – Happy people know how to create a balance between things. Carefree smiling is the best thing one can do. It definitely increases your face value but costs nothing.
Instead of counting sorrows or adversities, one should count his blessings. It is something we are not short of! Count all the good things that happen with you and have ever happened with you.
Life is simply awesome and it is what you make it –“Make it beautiful. . . As beautiful as you are. . .” So talk to yourself, get to know what you are, simply and most of all – Value Yourself, Value Life and SMILE.
It may or may not solve your problem but it will definitely stop people from asking you “Hey! What’s wrong with you?”